The Lost Supper: talks on the deep history of food
Since The Lost Supper was published in Sept. 2023, Taras has been giving presentations and keynotes on the deep history of food, illustrated with photos and videos from four years of research around the world. If you're interested in learning more, you can contact:
Sydney Marchand (She/Her)
Marketing & Publicity Coordinator / Greystone
604-875-1550 ext. 200
Have Powerpoint, Will Travel
Taras is based in Montreal, and has given many talks at libraries, universities and schools in Quebec and Ontario. He will travel outside eastern Canada to give paid keynotes.
Reach out to him directly:
tgrescoe (at) gmail (dot) com

Straphanger: Talks on Urban Mobility
The population of the world's cities now grows by a million people a week—which means a metropolis the size of New York is added to the global urban population every two months. How can we ensure that the cities we're building will make us happy, healthy, and connected?

For award-winning author Taras Grescoe, the answer is clear. In the twenty-first century, the most successful cities will be built around subways and Skytrains, commuter rail and tramways, light rail and bus rapid transit. Walkable neighborhoods, well-designed public space, and superior bicycle infrastructure are a crucial part of the mix. But the key to making our cities sustainable, accessible, and equitable lies in planning for great public transit.
In his internationally acclaimed book Straphanger (Henry Holt, HarperCollins), Grescoe visited fourteen cities around the world, from Bogotá to Tokyo, to look at which places are getting the sustainable mobility formula right. He is also a leading voice on urbanism, whose writing on cities has appeared on the op-ed page of the New York Times, The Guardian, The Globe and Mail, Monocle, and The Atlantic's CityLab. A familiar presence on CBC radio, television, and NPR, he has been named one of the top influencers on the theme of urban transportation on Twitter.
Grescoe's popular presentation on the best (and worst) in transit and mobility has seen him speaking to audiences on three continents. In dozens of keynotes, from Shanghai to Portland by way of London and Halifax, he has delivered a nuanced message about the future of urbanism, the perils of planning cities around freeways and cars, and such offbeat mobility solutions as the outdoor escalators of South America and the mini-metros of Italy.
Past Engagements
American Public Transportation Association / Keynote / Las Vegas, Nevada
University of Saskatchewan / Regional and Urban Planning Program / Public Presentation and Discussion / Roxy Theatre / Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Oregon Transportation Congress at Portland State University / Keynote
Portland, Oregon
Ontario Good Roads Association / Panel member on bicycle infrastructure with Mikael Colville-Andersen and Toronto’s chief planner, Jen Keesmaat
Toronto, Ontario
CityLab Conference / Invitee London, England
University of Waterloo’s annual Planning alumni talk / Keynote
Toronto, Ontario
SPUR Festival: The City in Seven Years / Keynote
Vancouver, British Columbia
Michelin Movin’On Conference / Invitee
Montreal, Quebec
Greentopia Conference / Keynote
Rochester, New York
City of Edmonton: “Let’s Talk Transit” / Keynote
Edmonton, Alberta
Calgary Economic Development: “Soul of the City” / Keynote
Calgary, Alberta
Transit Talk series (on Waterloo’s upcoming light rail) / Keynote
Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario
Canadian Institute of Planners annual conference / Keynote Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Kings University School of Journalism / Straphanger Keynote
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Moses Znaimer’s Idea City conference / Straphanger PowerPoint
Toronto, Ontario
Canadian Urban Transit Association conference / Keynote
Gatineau, Quebec
To book Taras for speaking engagements, contact him directly at tgrescoe (at) gmail (dot) com