Feb 9, 2021 Lost Supper A Sip of Herring-Infused Beer This week I’m going to take you to a very special place, located on a magical archipelago known as the Magdalen Islands—or, as
Feb 8, 2021 Lost Supper Weekday Decadence When I cook a dish out of the ancient Roman cookbook called Apicius, I never know exactly what I’m going to get. And that’
Feb 7, 2021 Lost Supper Ocelots' Nipples and Scalded Flamingo This is about to get nerdy. (But in the best way: food-history nerdy.) Last winter, I decided to try my hand at replicating recipes from
Feb 6, 2021 Lost Supper How to Make Silk Road Kimchi Over the last few years, I’ve made peace with the bacteria in my kitchen. Indeed, I’ve learned to love them. The pandemic helped:
Feb 5, 2021 Lost Supper Kitchen Time Travel Between research trips for The Lost Supper, I’ve been playing around with fermenting dairy products at home. I started with kefir and yogurt, which